Ben Zuchschwerdt, known to many as Cedar Lake’s weatherman, is a multifaceted individual whose contributions extend far beyond meteorology. Serving as the Director of Quality Assurance, Ben operates largely behind the scenes, dedicated to enhancing safety for both Cedar Lake’s individuals and staff. Over his nine-year tenure, Ben has assumed various roles aimed at reducing employee injuries, minimizing errors, and maintaining Cedar Lake’s facilities at peak condition. Alongside his professional endeavors, Ben has cultivated meaningful relationships with colleagues and individuals alike, exemplified by his memorable excursion with Bill, a Cedar Lake individual who shares his enthusiasm for weather.
In 2019, Ben embarked on a road trip with Bill, venturing to International Falls, MN, renowned as one of the coldest spots in the contiguous United States. Their journey didn’t end there; they continued on to Ontario, exploring Lake Superior and the Straits of Mackinac—an area of nostalgic significance for Bill. Bill’s curiosity about Cedar Lake’s weather preparedness plan is a constant, prompting inquiries to his friend Ben. Thankfully, Ben ensures that Cedar Lake Lodge, Sycamore Run, and Park Place are equipped with comprehensive strategies to handle any weather-related emergencies. His vigilance extends to monitoring National Weather Service conference calls, providing Cedar Lake’s leadership with early insights into potentially hazardous weather conditions.
A Day Full of Variety for Cedar Lake’s Safety
Ben’s workdays are a testament to his versatility and dedication. From conducting inspections across Cedar Lake’s facilities to collaborating with maintenance teams, overseeing life safety assessments, and leading the Quality Assurance Committee, Ben’s responsibilities span a broad spectrum. He even extends his expertise to IT support when necessary, embodying a can-do attitude that resonates throughout Cedar Lake.
Reflecting on his role, Ben emphasizes the gratification of making a positive impact. “I like feeling like your job helps somebody, that you are doing something good. I have never had a day at Cedar Lake that I don’t feel like I help somebody either directly or indirectly,” he shares. Cedar Lake is immensely appreciative of Ben’s diverse skill set and unwavering commitment to serving others.