A Note from Kathey Golightly Sanders:
We are living in a virtual world – and I’m ready to break out! Since becoming Executive Director of the Cedar Lake Foundation last August, I have only had a handful of in-person meetings, which for an extroverted fundraiser like me is akin to being in perpetual time-out. What the isolation has taught me, however, is that nothing, not even a pandemic, can stop the love and support of the Cedar Lake family.
I have been blessed by my conversations with many of our family members, family who have put the safety of their loved one over their desire to be with them. They’ve seen each other on computers and through windows. Hugs have been put on hold and holiday and birthday celebrations delayed. Love, compassion and commitment have not wavered.
This was truly brought home to me a few weeks ago when we received a check from a donor who had made a pledge to Cedar Lake almost 50 years ago. A few payments on the pledge had been made, and then, as happens to all of us, life got in the way, the pledge was put aside, but obviously not forgotten. A dear gentleman sent us the original pledge form and a check, paying the full balance of the pledge. A promise made; a promise kept.
In these days when our lives seem perpetually on pause, I am profoundly grateful to each of you for not pausing your dedication to Cedar Lake. I am grateful for support that has come from your prayers, your guidance and your gifts. They, and you, have sustained us. Because of this support, we can see not only a light at the end of the tunnel, but a bright and exciting future! I hope you will take time to read through this month’s newsletter to learn about what has been happening – and what is to come! Together, we will ensure that our promise, to provide a life of abundant possibilities to all the people we serve is kept.