Posts in Category: General

Give for Good Louisville

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Thank you for all your support during Give for Good Louisville 2021. It was a successful day which ended in a total of $16,175 raised with 89 unique donors! The Foundation Team had a blast capturing the special moments with our leaders and individuals you may have seen on our @CedarLakeKY social media pages. Your donations help individuals like Billy and Zach (pictured … Continue reading “Give for Good Louisville”

The Haynes Family

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Jim and Sara Haynes knew almost from the beginning of their son’s life that something was wrong.  Jeffrey would choke when feeding. He had his first seizure at four months and frequent, uncontrolled seizures after that. “We were routinely at the children’s hospital, but the seizures were never under control.” Desperate for answers, they took … Continue reading “The Haynes Family”

The Schuermer Family

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David’s family faced challenges at every turn that started when his son Matthew was five years old. Matthew broke his arm and required surgery which led to the discovery of a degenerative muscular disease of which David’s wife Nancy also suffered. Nancy, however, was diagnosed as an adult and eventually became wheelchair bound, but Matthew … Continue reading “The Schuermer Family”

Executive Insights

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Chris Stevenson, President & CEO, participated in Louisville Business First’s “Executive Insights” on nonprofits and how Covid-19 effected the industry. To read the full article Click Here.

Cedar Lake Grants

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We would like to recognize and thank the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels and Walmart Store #1053 in La Grange for the grants we received this summer. Kentucky Colonels granted us $10,000 towards the replacement of a roof at one of our 3-person staffed residences in Jeffersontown. Walmart granted us $1,000 towards general operating support. … Continue reading “Cedar Lake Grants”