March 2021 Updates
Happy Spring! Like me, I’m sure you are all ready for warm air and the long-hoped for opportunity to see your loved ones. I am so grateful for the vaccine and the hope that it brings. Part of my spring excitement is that with the vaccination, I can start to meet our amazing donors and … Continue reading “March 2021 Updates”
Miracles Do Happen
One day while driving home in October, I was thinking about retaking the CPR class as I wasn’t sure if I could perform CPR efficiently, if I ever needed to, or if I would remember the steps even though I have had several CPR classes. On October 13, 2016 my CPR skills were tested. Chuck, … Continue reading “Miracles Do Happen”
Employee Giving Campaign
Each year Cedar Lake has an Employee Giving Campaign where we give our employees an opportunity to give back to Cedar Lake. We call this our One Fund. We are proud to share that this year, we raised just over $60,000! We also want to give a special shout out to MPC Promotions for supplying our swag! … Continue reading “Employee Giving Campaign”
Pen Pal Program
Cedar Lake Lodge recently started a new Pen Pal Program in December 2020. The program was created for Cedar Lake to better connect with the community as it has been difficult to do so during the pandemic. Charley and Jennifer enjoyed opening their Pen Pal letters. Thank you for all the creativity, support and love!
Donor Spotlight – The Etscorn Foundation
Cedar Lake is grateful for the invaluable partnership with the Irvin F. and Alice S. Etscorn Charitable Foundation dating back to 1985 when Mrs. Alice Etscorn began giving to Cedar Lake Foundation. Mrs. Etscorn had been a donor for many years when the relationship between Cedar Lake and the Etscorn family strengthened with a gift … Continue reading “Donor Spotlight – The Etscorn Foundation”
Meet the Foundation Staff
Tara Oliver – Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations Tara began her career at Cedar Lake in the Fall of 2010. She interned with the Foundation in 2008, where she gained an understanding and desire to work in development. Tara served as the Director of Communications at the start of her career with Cedar … Continue reading “Meet the Foundation Staff”
February 2021 Updates
Itnro to article
Cedar Lake: Being a DSP
Walking in I didn’t know what could be, But after a while everyone became family.
Jamie’s Story
By Jamie’s parents, David & Cheryl When Jamie was a baby, we began to realize he wasn’t progressing normally in his development. Tests showed that his brain had not been fully developed. We decided that, as his parents, we would do the best we could to help him use what ability he does have to … Continue reading “Jamie’s Story”
Cedar Lake Family
Love is Love
By Allison Whitney, Day Program Coordinator Cedar Lake Enrichment Center